caba.’s roots lie under a chestnut tree in the Schuetzenmattpark in Basel. There, the idea of a centre where cancer patients can be taken care of in a comprehensive and respectful way arose. We envisioned a centre that offers oncology, psychology and movement all at one place. Soon the idea developed into a real project.
caba. is a centre that connects oncological treatments, psychological counseling and psychotherapy, as well as movement programs for cancer patients and their families. Having these services available in one place helps patients save time and energy to reach one destination and eases the organization of logistics. At caba. we emphasize a strong interdisciplinary culture, so that each person can benefit from the best comprehensive treatment. caba. is open for everyone, healthy and sick. Above all there’s reciprocal respect and unreserved tolerance, thus creating a perfect prerequisite for constructive and beneficial encounters, day after day.
Founder & Initiator.
Cathrin Balmelli founded caba. and Barbara Handschin supported her as co-initiator from day one.

Dr. med. Cathrin Balmelli
Cathrin is the founder of caba. and treats cancer patients. She studied medicine at the University of Basel and received her clinical training as an internist and oncologist at the Cantonal Hospital in Liestal and at the University Hospital of Basel. At caba. Cathrin can combine her different skills, whilst implementing her vision of a holistic treatment in a more personal atmosphere. As well as being a mom, she loves to organize and multi-task. She is married and lives with her husband and two children in Basel, the place where she grew up and has her roots. Beside work she loves playing music, especially the piccolo. Cathrin is the president of a “Fasnachtsclique”, loves to go out into nature and enjoys reading.
c.balmelli@ caba-basel. ch

Barbara Handschin, Lic. phil. Psychologin, Pilatesinstruktorin PMA
Barbara is co-founder of caba., where she offers psychological counseling and teaches Pilates. She studied clinical and neuropsychology at the University of Bern and received her Pilates certification from New York and Boston in the U.S. She has worked in a neuropsychological practice, in a clinical research study at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester USA, and at the Oncology Department of the University Hospital of Basel, as well as in different Pilates studios in Boston and Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Basel. At caba. Barbara can combine her two passions – psychology and Pilates. Beside work she loves sports activities, testing new recipes, reading, and is working on a project that offers a new form of living for elderly. More information about her work can be found on her personal website:
We have an interdisciplinary approach in our team. We update each other frequently so that we can offer the best treatment with the same contact persons, a personal atmosphere and short communication times.

Christiane Zingg, Dipl. Pflegefachfrau HF
Christiane works as a graduate nurse at caba. She received her education in Basel and finished her degree in the Department of Oncology at the University Hospital Basel. She worked at the Lukasklinik in Arlesheim, where she gained extensive experience in academic medicine as well as anthroposophical oncology treatment approaches. Besides her family time, she is happy to bring her nursing qualities to caba. Christiane lives in Arlesheim with her husband and three children. She loves Paris, the wild coast of Brittany, Italian cuisine and Scandinavian crime thrillers.
info@ caba-basel. ch

Martina-Barbara Bingisser, Psychotherapeutin/Psychoonkologin
Martina-Barbara supports cancer patients and their relatives with psychooncological psychotherapy. She also offers psychotherapy for different psychological problems and psychiatric disorders. She graduated from the University of Basel where she studied clinical psychology and neurosciences and became a psychotherapist in cognitive behavioral therapy and psychooncologist. Martina-Barbara lives with her husband and her son nearby Basel. She loves sports, traveling and is always up for spontaneous ideas.
mb.bingisser@ caba-basel. ch
Three ways lead to caba. You either contact us directly, or your general practitioner or a specialist sends you to caba. A good exchange with general practitioners, specialists, hospitals and other partners from our network are very important to us.
Krebsliga beider Basel
We have a strong collaboration with Krebsliga beider Basel.
Universitätsspital Basel (USB)
We work strongly together with different departments of the University Hospital Basel – especially oncology, tumor centers and women’s health clinic. All patients can be presented at the tumor boards of the USB.
Medges – Medizinische Gesellschaft Basel –
FMH Swiss Medical Association –
SSMO - Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Medizinische Onkologie –
ESMO – European Society of Clinical Oncology –
ASCO – American Society of Clinical Oncology –
FSP – Föderation der Schweizer Psychologinnen und Psychologen –
Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Psychoonkologie (SGPO) –
PMA – Pilates Method Alliance –
Onkologiepflege Schweiz –
SBK Schweizer Berufsverband der Pflegefachfrauen und –männer –
Universitäten und Ausbildungsstätten
Universität Basel – Medizinische Fakultät -
Universität Basel - Psychologische Fakultät -
Universität Bern – Psychologische Fakultät -
Psychotherapeutische Weiterbildung Universität Basel mit kognitiv-behavioralem Schwerpunkt –
Psychotherapeutische Weiterbildung am IEF Zürich mit systemischem Schwerpunkt -
Power Pilates NYC and worldwide:
Pilates & Psychologie Barbara Handschin -
Kopfrausch; innovative headpieces -
Pink Ribbon Program - a rehabilitation program after breast cancer surgery